Garage Door Repair: How to fix a stuck roller

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    Garage Door Repair: How to fix a stuck roller

    Experiencing jammed garage doors can be very exhilarating and tiring.

    Especially if there is somewhere urgent you need to go to.

    The most common cause for a jammed garage door is a stuck roller.

    At this point, once you have confirmed that the cause of the jam is the roller, you can do either one of the two – call for garage door repair assistance or try to fix it yourself.

    If you belong to the latter, then this guide might just be of help to you.

    Garage Door Rollers

    Before we proceed to the repair process, let us start first with knowing what exactly is a roller and how it works.

    Garage Rollers make sure that your door opens smoothly and without a hitch.

    A faulty roller could easily put the whole system in an array.

    If left aside, this can even cause the tracks to misalign.

    There are three types of rollers – namely bottom rollers, center rollers, and top rollers – and you have to be able to identify which type of roller is currently causing the problem in your garage door set-up.

    Doing so will be necessary as there are different steps and tips for the replacement of each type of roller.

    Bottom Rollers

    Bottom rollers are responsible for providing the clearance height under the door.

    If you have identified the bottom roller to be the main reason for your door getting stuck, then it is recommended to ask for professional help as fixing the bottom roller will be very hard to do alone.

    This is due to the fact that the bottom roller carries most of the weight of your garage door.

    If not done properly, this could result in the door falling on you.

    You may try to fix the bottom rollers by yourself but only if you have the required professional skills to help you finish the job.

    Center Rollers

    Center rollers are usually found on the sides of your gate and are connected to the tracks.

    These rollers make sure that your gate moves vertically and smoothly at that. It reduces friction between your gate and the tracks.

    If your door is stuck due to worn out or damaged center rollers, it is extremely easy to replace them.

    All you need to do is remove the screws connecting the roller to the gate. After doing so, detach it from the tracks.

    Then you may proceed to the installing of the new center roller.

    Top Rollers

    Top rollers are found over your garage doors.

    They have more or less the same function as the center rollers.

    If this is the cause of your door jam, you may need to have a ladder for this as it can be located pretty high.

    When you have access to the rollers, remove the nuts from the roller sleeve.

    Once the rollers are free, take them out and reinstall the new rollers for that area.


    Fixing garage door rollers can be quite easy depending on your skills.

    You might need a few handy tools to help you with the process.

    To have a clearer idea of the actual installation, there are a lot of videos you can check online.

    These can surely help you with your objective.

    If you require any further professional assistance regarding your stuck garage door roller, you may contact GDR Houston Garage Doors.

    They offer same day repair services and the like 24/7.

    Indeed 24-hour repair services are becoming more and more common nowadays, but not all have the capability to provide good quality and reliable work.

    GDR Houston Garage Doors, located in Houston, has been in the garage door emergency repair services for almost 12 years now and still counting.

    They have been providing great service for both residential and commercial clients.

    They offer not only repair services but also installation and garage door set-up related projects.

    Knowing this, they can certainly attend to your stuck roller problem.

    If you are around the area and you have no other shop in mind that offers your needed garage door services, then why not give them a call and see what they can offer?

    They will surely not disappoint. What are you waiting for?

    Contact GDR Houston Garage Doors for your garage door needs.

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